Happy New Year Glenwood Families!

Happy New Year Glenwood Families!
Posted on 01/05/2025
Happy 2025I hope the time spent with your family and friends over the winter break was safe and peaceful. If for any reason it was not, my hope is that the new year will bring some positive changes. I am looking forward to seeing your children back in school this week. And I know at least a few of you are glad that they will be returning to school as well. Please be mindful that this week is a short one for students. They return to classes on Tuesday and Wednesday is a late start day.

We have made it to the half-way mark. The school year will be over before you know it. Please check in with your child's teachers for any updates or questions about any happenings in the classroom. We do not want any surprises at the end of the school year. It's never too early to begin checking in. Report cards for the 2nd quarter will be sent home at the end of next week. Check backpacks and take home folders if the report card isn't hand delivered by your child.

You will receive some additional communications from the school in the next couple of weeks. We will be looking for your feedback through our yearly 5-Essential Survey. We are waiting for the exact dates for the survey but know that it is usually sometime in January. Again, we will let you know as soon as we get this information.

I want to thank each of you for taking the time to read this newsletter each month. I hope that it has been a useful tool for keeping you informed. If there is anything else that you would like to see covered, please let us know.

Thanks again,

Cabrina Williams-Leneau, principal
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